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Gallery - Oil On Canvas |
Reflection, 16” x 20”, Oil The still pond reflects snowy mountains shining on a gray day. An unpaved path leads to the mountains and distant pines stand out in the golden grass. (Currently displayed at 24 Carrots Juice Bar)
Venetian Bliss, 18” x 24”, Oil Romantic looking Venetian windows look appealing on a cloudy day. Ancient weathered walls reflect many stories of the days gone by.
Symphony, 24” x 30”, Oil Different shades and shapes of flowers play symphony in a neatly woven basket. (Sold) |
Shrooms, 11” x 14”, Oil Button and Portobello shrooms pose for a perfect shot as the 3pm light strikes them at any angle. Shadows create a collage.
© www.myoilexperiments.com |